Real life version of "the Emperor's new clothes", do you dare to wear? Netherlands designer Daan Roosegaarde spent 10 months ' time, the Intimacy of clothing designed, by intelligent electronic foil to create opaque, tension, heart rate speeds up, this dress would be "transparent." Open mind a world free of mosquitoes and what  Alt Real life version of "the Emperor's new clothes" was born: the wearer of a lying naked  As long as the lies, clothes will be "transparent" (Studio Roosegaarde's official website)  Taiwan ettv news, August 11, the series is divided into black and white 2-color, length 1 m, width 40 cm. Using smart coil (Smart e-foils) and LED lights and so on, into this "Emperor's new clothes". This dress features lined with wisdom coil, every time when the sentiment, coil receives heart and breathing rates, it becomes transparent.  Reports that originally designed the aim of this project is to explore the intimacy and the relationship between science and technology, mainly for more transparent communication between people, so the clothes will change along with the other cooked fine degree of transparency, and even determine if this person is lying. When the guy in front of the more lies to conceal, the more "transparent." Open mind a world free of mosquitoes and what  Reports from this concept as early as 2010, the company also unveiled several prototypes, the latest style in time for the Valentine's day appeared before, with both white and black, but only exhibited in Hong Kong and Paris.

Real life version of "the Emperor's new clothes", do you dare to wear? Netherlands designer Daan Roosegaarde spent 10 months ' time, the Intimacy of clothing designed, by intelligent electronic foil to create opaque, tension, heart rate speeds up, this dress would be "transparent." Open mind a world free of mosquitoes and what  Alt Real life version of "the Emperor's new clothes" was born: the wearer of a lying naked  As long as the lies, clothes will be "transparent" (Studio Roosegaarde's official website)  Taiwan ettv news, August 11, the series is divided into black and white 2-color, length 1 m, width 40 cm. Using smart coil (Smart e-foils) and LED lights and so on, into this "Emperor's new clothes". This dress features lined with wisdom coil, every time when the sentiment, coil receives heart and breathing rates, it becomes transparent.  Reports that originally designed the aim of this project is to explore the intimacy and the relationship between science and technology, mainly for more transparent communication between people, so the clothes will change along with the other cooked fine degree of transparency, and even determine if this person is lying. When the guy in front of the more lies to conceal, the more "transparent." Open mind a world free of mosquitoes and what  Reports from this concept as early as 2010, the company also unveiled several prototypes, the latest style in time for the Valentine's day appeared before, with both white and black, but only exhibited in Hong Kong and Paris.

Us develop eye-tracking technology will help paralyzed people communicate with the outside world

People suffering from atresia syndrome is completely isolated from the outside world. They are paralyzed, unable to move or speak–in many cases, they may only have eyes these are under the control of its own. Lucky is that technology will probably use patients left it free to help them voice. According to the United States Engadget (Engadget) reported on August 9, United States, University of California, San Diego, researchers are developing a system, this system can be implemented using eye-tracking communication.   The Internet based on who was the key innovationAlt Us develop eye-tracking technology will help paralyzed people communicate with the outside world   The school's Research Institute has released the Eyehome prototypes. Patients can gaze at a similar mobile device interface to manipulate different parts of the screen. Patients can look in a certain direction to oral information, look in the other direction to see social network. In addition to dedicated e-book reader, even a command only with the eyes of musical instruments.  However, research is still at an early stage. Study it formally started last fall, and at the University of California, San Diego research team was recently awarded a $ 300,000 investment, which helps to make efforts to come true. But now that we have a prototype, this indicates that patients with atresia Syndrome will soon be independent. The Internet based on who was the key innovation

Us develop eye-tracking technology will help paralyzed people communicate with the outside world

People suffering from atresia syndrome is completely isolated from the outside world. They are paralyzed, unable to move or speak–in many cases, they may only have eyes these are under the control of its own. Lucky is that technology will probably use patients left it free to help them voice. According to the United States Engadget (Engadget) reported on August 9, United States, University of California, San Diego, researchers are developing a system, this system can be implemented using eye-tracking communication.   The Internet based on who was the key innovationAlt Us develop eye-tracking technology will help paralyzed people communicate with the outside world   The school's Research Institute has released the Eyehome prototypes. Patients can gaze at a similar mobile device interface to manipulate different parts of the screen. Patients can look in a certain direction to oral information, look in the other direction to see social network. In addition to dedicated e-book reader, even a command only with the eyes of musical instruments.  However, research is still at an early stage. Study it formally started last fall, and at the University of California, San Diego research team was recently awarded a $ 300,000 investment, which helps to make efforts to come true. But now that we have a prototype, this indicates that patients with atresia Syndrome will soon be independent. The Internet based on who was the key innovation

The cool way to charge you not as wonderful

Recently, the United States media reported that Washington University have been successful use of WiFi router as wireless-charging equipment. It can without disrupting data context, 10 meters to digital cameras and other devices with electricity, and the technology is expected to be in the future for smart phones.      The project researchers from Tang La (VamsiTalla) that the charging sensor installed on the hardware device in order to receive radio frequency signals (RF) power, and turning it into direct current for recharging.    4G saving live virtual operators mobile network   This seemingly cool technology is still at the research stage, does not apply. But another kind of convenient charging has begun to pop, this is the Wireless charging.      As early as 2013 cell phone brands such as Nokia, launched its wireless charging cell phones, such as Lumia 920, Nexus 4. These days, more and more cell phone manufacturers began pushing Wireless charging. Samsung's latest Galaxy S6 highlight its wireless charging function, next generation HTC the flagship reportedly will also use the Wireless charging technology.      A case study of Samsung Galaxy S6, as long as the USB cable connection, and then inserted into a socket. When the phone is dead or dying batteries, and put the phone on the charger plate, charger and the phone will instantly realize sensor connected and charging.      Wireless charging is the current trend appears to have applied a charge mode, in addition, there are many researchers made a bold attempt.      Infrared light charging      Wireless charging in different ways, earlier this year, Israel start-ups Wi-Charge developed an infra-red light charging system.    4G saving live virtual operators mobile network   Infra-red light charging mode is the use of laser diode in the transmitter send infrared light, and then through the receiver in the photovoltaic cells convert light energy into electricity. Wi-Charge charging system for transmitter installed in the ceiling, turning energy into infrared range of light beneath the covers about 50 square meters, can be charged simultaneously for all devices within the scope.      Pot charge      Chile engineers newly developed bio-battery charger-"E-Kaia" you can turn plants into a small "charging station", simply insert it in plant soil, flower pots, the USB power port will be able to charge mobile phones and other devices.      Due to the plant during the process of photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy, produce organic matter, microorganisms around the roots decompose organic matter and produce energy to promote plant growth, then there will be some current released as by-products. Bio-charger uses electrodes capture electrons, then they are transmitted to the equipment in its current form.      Insole charging      Last year, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University developed an app that could produce the energy used to charge a cell phone when people walk "power insoles." Power insole, together with a battery pack connected to the outside of the shoe, through built-in mechanisms convert kinetic energy of walking and driving a micro-generator produces electricity. This shoe also includes a USB port, and can be charged on a variety of electronic devices.      Skateboard charging      Last year by the Netherlands Rotterdam a college student can design a skateboarding gained attention to the charger. Skateboard wheel generator on the runtime can produce 6-Volt current, current is converted into 5 volt box device into skateboarding, skateboard run 1 hour electrical energy can be generated by charging a cell phone completely and moving more charging skateboard more stored energy, can be up to 8 times a mobile phone charging.      Urine charge      Than charging charging may even more wonderful is the urine. In 2013, the United Kingdom scientists discovered the method of charging with urine, urine is rich in nitrogen, urea, bilirubin, potassium, and chloride, property is very active, is the microbial fuel cell, microbial decomposition generate enough electric power for a mobile phone after a full charge.      At present, the United Kingdom's University of the West of England and the international charity Oxfam has been "urine powered" toilet set up in the vicinity of the bar of the University of the West of England students, Oxfam also said that future such toilets in camps with no power supply very useful.      These various charge method, not only the prospect of people rescued from a pile of cord, can maximize energy use, charge anywhere, anytime possible. (Jiang Xugen)

The cool way to charge you not as wonderful

Recently, the United States media reported that Washington University have been successful use of WiFi router as wireless-charging equipment. It can without disrupting data context, 10 meters to digital cameras and other devices with electricity, and the technology is expected to be in the future for smart phones.      The project researchers from Tang La (VamsiTalla) that the charging sensor installed on the hardware device in order to receive radio frequency signals (RF) power, and turning it into direct current for recharging.    4G saving live virtual operators mobile network   This seemingly cool technology is still at the research stage, does not apply. But another kind of convenient charging has begun to pop, this is the Wireless charging.      As early as 2013 cell phone brands such as Nokia, launched its wireless charging cell phones, such as Lumia 920, Nexus 4. These days, more and more cell phone manufacturers began pushing Wireless charging. Samsung's latest Galaxy S6 highlight its wireless charging function, next generation HTC the flagship reportedly will also use the Wireless charging technology.      A case study of Samsung Galaxy S6, as long as the USB cable connection, and then inserted into a socket. When the phone is dead or dying batteries, and put the phone on the charger plate, charger and the phone will instantly realize sensor connected and charging.      Wireless charging is the current trend appears to have applied a charge mode, in addition, there are many researchers made a bold attempt.      Infrared light charging      Wireless charging in different ways, earlier this year, Israel start-ups Wi-Charge developed an infra-red light charging system.    4G saving live virtual operators mobile network   Infra-red light charging mode is the use of laser diode in the transmitter send infrared light, and then through the receiver in the photovoltaic cells convert light energy into electricity. Wi-Charge charging system for transmitter installed in the ceiling, turning energy into infrared range of light beneath the covers about 50 square meters, can be charged simultaneously for all devices within the scope.      Pot charge      Chile engineers newly developed bio-battery charger-"E-Kaia" you can turn plants into a small "charging station", simply insert it in plant soil, flower pots, the USB power port will be able to charge mobile phones and other devices.      Due to the plant during the process of photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy, produce organic matter, microorganisms around the roots decompose organic matter and produce energy to promote plant growth, then there will be some current released as by-products. Bio-charger uses electrodes capture electrons, then they are transmitted to the equipment in its current form.      Insole charging      Last year, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University developed an app that could produce the energy used to charge a cell phone when people walk "power insoles." Power insole, together with a battery pack connected to the outside of the shoe, through built-in mechanisms convert kinetic energy of walking and driving a micro-generator produces electricity. This shoe also includes a USB port, and can be charged on a variety of electronic devices.      Skateboard charging      Last year by the Netherlands Rotterdam a college student can design a skateboarding gained attention to the charger. Skateboard wheel generator on the runtime can produce 6-Volt current, current is converted into 5 volt box device into skateboarding, skateboard run 1 hour electrical energy can be generated by charging a cell phone completely and moving more charging skateboard more stored energy, can be up to 8 times a mobile phone charging.      Urine charge      Than charging charging may even more wonderful is the urine. In 2013, the United Kingdom scientists discovered the method of charging with urine, urine is rich in nitrogen, urea, bilirubin, potassium, and chloride, property is very active, is the microbial fuel cell, microbial decomposition generate enough electric power for a mobile phone after a full charge.      At present, the United Kingdom's University of the West of England and the international charity Oxfam has been "urine powered" toilet set up in the vicinity of the bar of the University of the West of England students, Oxfam also said that future such toilets in camps with no power supply very useful.      These various charge method, not only the prospect of people rescued from a pile of cord, can maximize energy use, charge anywhere, anytime possible. (Jiang Xugen)

Smartphone 3D scanner in one second is expected next year on sale

On August 17, smart-phone camera quality are now very strong, but at the same time, a variety of new gadgets can bring our mobile phone still many warm function. Recently, has prompted a raised platform on the Kickstarter film called Bevel gadget, its role is to turn the mobile phone into a 3D scanner. Health O2O beautician massage therapists physical Health O2O beautician massage therapists physicalAlt Smartphone 3D scanner in one second is expected next year on sale  Bevel in use need to be inserted into the headphone jack of the phone, which will be launched by the camera's shooting ability with its own laser (harmless to the human eye) combined to three dimensional objects scanned. After the completion of three-dimensional directions you are able to scan an image, convert it to a GIF picture, share with friends, or send it to social media. Of course, you can also use 3D printer to the model data into a new entity.  Bevel supporting applications for Android and iOS platforms, which itself needs charging through the USB interface, and allegedly can be bought for a day. At work, it also gets a small amount of power out of your cell phone, but will not significantly impact on the cell phone battery life.  The device is still in the preparatory stages, priced at 49 dollars (about 314 Yuan), the shipment is expected in March next year.

Smartphone 3D scanner in one second is expected next year on sale

On August 17, smart-phone camera quality are now very strong, but at the same time, a variety of new gadgets can bring our mobile phone still many warm function. Recently, has prompted a raised platform on the Kickstarter film called Bevel gadget, its role is to turn the mobile phone into a 3D scanner. Health O2O beautician massage therapists physical Health O2O beautician massage therapists physicalAlt Smartphone 3D scanner in one second is expected next year on sale  Bevel in use need to be inserted into the headphone jack of the phone, which will be launched by the camera's shooting ability with its own laser (harmless to the human eye) combined to three dimensional objects scanned. After the completion of three-dimensional directions you are able to scan an image, convert it to a GIF picture, share with friends, or send it to social media. Of course, you can also use 3D printer to the model data into a new entity.  Bevel supporting applications for Android and iOS platforms, which itself needs charging through the USB interface, and allegedly can be bought for a day. At work, it also gets a small amount of power out of your cell phone, but will not significantly impact on the cell phone battery life.  The device is still in the preparatory stages, priced at 49 dollars (about 314 Yuan), the shipment is expected in March next year.

Spring of 2016 Apple product launches

Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesAfter we experienced the Yeelight generation of smart bulbs, 16 million colors to transform design left a deep impression on us. As part of the ecological chain of millet, Yeelight recent updates on my second generation of product, different from the previous generation, this generation of Yeelight more common WiFi connection, than the first generation closer to the life of the product. Today we take a look at Yeelight white version there is nothing different about it. disney iPad cases ParametersProduct number: YLDP01YLDimensions: 55x120 mmInterface: E27 screwPower consumption: 8WBrightness: 600 LMColor temperature: 4000KLife expectancy: 25,000 hoursAppearance and workmanshipAlt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesDifferent from the first generation of kraft paper packaging, the second generation of Yeelight using a plain white box, box-front only Yeelight Logo, very simple.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesBack is a simple parameter and origin information.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesOpened it only to the specifications and the bulb body.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesInstruction is still as simple as a first generation. Compared to Yeelight, second generation supports millet router, more general other routers through the millet of intelligent home control App.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesAfter you remove the protective plastic bag, we see the Yeelight second generation phenomenon.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesSame as the previous generation, Yeelight second generation still uses a Lotus-like shape, white acrylic shade at the top, the main part is made of aluminum alloy changed to common plastic material. To a usually inconspicuous items like light bulbs, aluminum alloy shell of negligible significance.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesBack is the electrical parameters. E27 screw is also needless to say, the most common lamp screw.Alt disneyAs regards work, between plastic body and acrylic shade gap is still a little big, but there will not be the first generation product of metal cutting and cutting his hand problems.Operation and useAlt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesYeelight with WiFi connectivity and support other routers are second generation than previous generations to use many bulbs after installing, open home App on the phone will automatically search for Yeelight and prompt to connect, we only need to set the bulb connection WiFi can be used. Of course, if you do not set can also be used just like ordinary light bulbs, 100% by default display brightness white.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesDue to the Yeelight second generation no longer change color functions, so the App interface is simple and a lot. Lights under bright yellow and white, turn off the lights then the starry night sky background. Lighting State can slide up and down to adjust light brightness, theoretically, 100 level adjustment.If you want to adjust, you can also click on the lower right of the "my" enter custom brightness mode, preset brightness, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, six options, infant mode and reading mode. In the main interface after you adjust the brightness, click on lower right corner of the save the asterisk to a custom list.25% brightness75% brightness100% brightnessThree different brightness mode, Yeelight light adjustment soft brightness changes over gently, do not appear suddenly become bright or harsh situations.ExperienceYeelight II and finally increase the timing light and delay off lights design, just a little complicated. Click on the menu button in the upper right, click delay to turn off the light, but that's not enough, we want to set again, click set time-delay to turn off the lights, and then slide up and down to adjust the time, turning off lights to complete the delayed presets, indeed somewhat tedious.Timing lights on only in "smart" setting, you first need to enter the "smart" interface, and set the time, and then set the lamp operation, also need to manually open after saving strategies, also slightly cumbersome.But the "intelligent scene" is not useless, we can preset combinations of switches on the light to suit your needs, such as timing lights, turn off the lights. We can also name the WiFi you are connected automatically at the company or at home, thus camera corresponding intelligent strategy (for a sister who are afraid of the dark, go downstairs after the mobile phone connected to their WiFi automatically, lights illuminate, a little warm, but still). On the degree of intelligence than the previous generation of products has been greatly improved.In addition to these, Yeelight can also form a set policy, you can also share the device with his family.SummaryUsing Bluetooth-WiFi connection are no longer subject to recognition, also can be used for all the routers, router is no longer millet's exclusive, scope greatly increased. Second Yeelight second generation adds delay to turn off the lights and timing lights function and customizable "smart policy" policy can be customized to control switch of the lamp, don't always have to come up with mobile phone App control, usability has increased tremendously.Yeelight second generation is still not perfect, slightly cumbersome one time switch lights, we also met during the testing process after switching power supplies, bulbs are unable to connect, have to reset bulb reconnect to WiFi, since we are in the hands of a machine engineering, unable to determine if the case is common.Despite the above problems, but afterward, compared to the second generation Yeelight generation has made a lot of progress, though there is no color change function, but has made a lot of progress on the functionalities and compatibility, devices that no longer is of no practical significance. Just being a no color-changing feature not cool cool "incandescent" bulb prices are still slightly higher.Recommended related articlesThe rich willful faith-filled, millet Yeelight intelligent lights review17 votes disneyYeelight intelligent light bulbs\rLast year into millet millet company smart home is overwhelming and, if memory serves, first home accessories is yeelight smart bulbs, smart concept is that in order to keep the bulb of the lamp hold has a different color, different colors in different environment and allow everyone to feel the joy of different colors\rView details of the voting »

Spring of 2016 Apple product launches

Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesAfter we experienced the Yeelight generation of smart bulbs, 16 million colors to transform design left a deep impression on us. As part of the ecological chain of millet, Yeelight recent updates on my second generation of product, different from the previous generation, this generation of Yeelight more common WiFi connection, than the first generation closer to the life of the product. Today we take a look at Yeelight white version there is nothing different about it. disney iPad cases ParametersProduct number: YLDP01YLDimensions: 55x120 mmInterface: E27 screwPower consumption: 8WBrightness: 600 LMColor temperature: 4000KLife expectancy: 25,000 hoursAppearance and workmanshipAlt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesDifferent from the first generation of kraft paper packaging, the second generation of Yeelight using a plain white box, box-front only Yeelight Logo, very simple.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesBack is a simple parameter and origin information.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesOpened it only to the specifications and the bulb body.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesInstruction is still as simple as a first generation. Compared to Yeelight, second generation supports millet router, more general other routers through the millet of intelligent home control App.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesAfter you remove the protective plastic bag, we see the Yeelight second generation phenomenon.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesSame as the previous generation, Yeelight second generation still uses a Lotus-like shape, white acrylic shade at the top, the main part is made of aluminum alloy changed to common plastic material. To a usually inconspicuous items like light bulbs, aluminum alloy shell of negligible significance.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesBack is the electrical parameters. E27 screw is also needless to say, the most common lamp screw.Alt disneyAs regards work, between plastic body and acrylic shade gap is still a little big, but there will not be the first generation product of metal cutting and cutting his hand problems.Operation and useAlt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesYeelight with WiFi connectivity and support other routers are second generation than previous generations to use many bulbs after installing, open home App on the phone will automatically search for Yeelight and prompt to connect, we only need to set the bulb connection WiFi can be used. Of course, if you do not set can also be used just like ordinary light bulbs, 100% by default display brightness white.Alt \rSpring of 2016 Apple product launchesDue to the Yeelight second generation no longer change color functions, so the App interface is simple and a lot. Lights under bright yellow and white, turn off the lights then the starry night sky background. Lighting State can slide up and down to adjust light brightness, theoretically, 100 level adjustment.If you want to adjust, you can also click on the lower right of the "my" enter custom brightness mode, preset brightness, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, six options, infant mode and reading mode. In the main interface after you adjust the brightness, click on lower right corner of the save the asterisk to a custom list.25% brightness75% brightness100% brightnessThree different brightness mode, Yeelight light adjustment soft brightness changes over gently, do not appear suddenly become bright or harsh situations.ExperienceYeelight II and finally increase the timing light and delay off lights design, just a little complicated. Click on the menu button in the upper right, click delay to turn off the light, but that's not enough, we want to set again, click set time-delay to turn off the lights, and then slide up and down to adjust the time, turning off lights to complete the delayed presets, indeed somewhat tedious.Timing lights on only in "smart" setting, you first need to enter the "smart" interface, and set the time, and then set the lamp operation, also need to manually open after saving strategies, also slightly cumbersome.But the "intelligent scene" is not useless, we can preset combinations of switches on the light to suit your needs, such as timing lights, turn off the lights. We can also name the WiFi you are connected automatically at the company or at home, thus camera corresponding intelligent strategy (for a sister who are afraid of the dark, go downstairs after the mobile phone connected to their WiFi automatically, lights illuminate, a little warm, but still). On the degree of intelligence than the previous generation of products has been greatly improved.In addition to these, Yeelight can also form a set policy, you can also share the device with his family.SummaryUsing Bluetooth-WiFi connection are no longer subject to recognition, also can be used for all the routers, router is no longer millet's exclusive, scope greatly increased. Second Yeelight second generation adds delay to turn off the lights and timing lights function and customizable "smart policy" policy can be customized to control switch of the lamp, don't always have to come up with mobile phone App control, usability has increased tremendously.Yeelight second generation is still not perfect, slightly cumbersome one time switch lights, we also met during the testing process after switching power supplies, bulbs are unable to connect, have to reset bulb reconnect to WiFi, since we are in the hands of a machine engineering, unable to determine if the case is common.Despite the above problems, but afterward, compared to the second generation Yeelight generation has made a lot of progress, though there is no color change function, but has made a lot of progress on the functionalities and compatibility, devices that no longer is of no practical significance. Just being a no color-changing feature not cool cool "incandescent" bulb prices are still slightly higher.Recommended related articlesThe rich willful faith-filled, millet Yeelight intelligent lights review17 votes disneyYeelight intelligent light bulbs\rLast year into millet millet company smart home is overwhelming and, if memory serves, first home accessories is yeelight smart bulbs, smart concept is that in order to keep the bulb of the lamp hold has a different color, different colors in different environment and allow everyone to feel the joy of different colors\rView details of the voting »