The cool way to charge you not as wonderful

Recently, the United States media reported that Washington University have been successful use of WiFi router as wireless-charging equipment. It can without disrupting data context, 10 meters to digital cameras and other devices with electricity, and the technology is expected to be in the future for smart phones.      The project researchers from Tang La (VamsiTalla) that the charging sensor installed on the hardware device in order to receive radio frequency signals (RF) power, and turning it into direct current for recharging.    4G saving live virtual operators mobile network   This seemingly cool technology is still at the research stage, does not apply. But another kind of convenient charging has begun to pop, this is the Wireless charging.      As early as 2013 cell phone brands such as Nokia, launched its wireless charging cell phones, such as Lumia 920, Nexus 4. These days, more and more cell phone manufacturers began pushing Wireless charging. Samsung's latest Galaxy S6 highlight its wireless charging function, next generation HTC the flagship reportedly will also use the Wireless charging technology.      A case study of Samsung Galaxy S6, as long as the USB cable connection, and then inserted into a socket. When the phone is dead or dying batteries, and put the phone on the charger plate, charger and the phone will instantly realize sensor connected and charging.      Wireless charging is the current trend appears to have applied a charge mode, in addition, there are many researchers made a bold attempt.      Infrared light charging      Wireless charging in different ways, earlier this year, Israel start-ups Wi-Charge developed an infra-red light charging system.    4G saving live virtual operators mobile network   Infra-red light charging mode is the use of laser diode in the transmitter send infrared light, and then through the receiver in the photovoltaic cells convert light energy into electricity. Wi-Charge charging system for transmitter installed in the ceiling, turning energy into infrared range of light beneath the covers about 50 square meters, can be charged simultaneously for all devices within the scope.      Pot charge      Chile engineers newly developed bio-battery charger-"E-Kaia" you can turn plants into a small "charging station", simply insert it in plant soil, flower pots, the USB power port will be able to charge mobile phones and other devices.      Due to the plant during the process of photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy, produce organic matter, microorganisms around the roots decompose organic matter and produce energy to promote plant growth, then there will be some current released as by-products. Bio-charger uses electrodes capture electrons, then they are transmitted to the equipment in its current form.      Insole charging      Last year, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University developed an app that could produce the energy used to charge a cell phone when people walk "power insoles." Power insole, together with a battery pack connected to the outside of the shoe, through built-in mechanisms convert kinetic energy of walking and driving a micro-generator produces electricity. This shoe also includes a USB port, and can be charged on a variety of electronic devices.      Skateboard charging      Last year by the Netherlands Rotterdam a college student can design a skateboarding gained attention to the charger. Skateboard wheel generator on the runtime can produce 6-Volt current, current is converted into 5 volt box device into skateboarding, skateboard run 1 hour electrical energy can be generated by charging a cell phone completely and moving more charging skateboard more stored energy, can be up to 8 times a mobile phone charging.      Urine charge      Than charging charging may even more wonderful is the urine. In 2013, the United Kingdom scientists discovered the method of charging with urine, urine is rich in nitrogen, urea, bilirubin, potassium, and chloride, property is very active, is the microbial fuel cell, microbial decomposition generate enough electric power for a mobile phone after a full charge.      At present, the United Kingdom's University of the West of England and the international charity Oxfam has been "urine powered" toilet set up in the vicinity of the bar of the University of the West of England students, Oxfam also said that future such toilets in camps with no power supply very useful.      These various charge method, not only the prospect of people rescued from a pile of cord, can maximize energy use, charge anywhere, anytime possible. (Jiang Xugen)