Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade

Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade  Micro letter public platform, referred to as weChat. Named "platform" and "media", eventually as a "public platform."  Alt Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade  Micro-public platforms on the line the original statement on January 22 this year features original articles in the original statement is successful, appropriate public platform will be added to the article "original" logo, when other users on a public platform has reproduced the original articles of the Declaration, it will automatically replace the original article content and automatically to the article indicate the copy source.  In April, the app platform updates to the public, in order to enhance the capacity of public accounts, all its mass number from 1 to month (calendar month) 4 times, and began to invite individuals from the media accounts beta experience the new upgrades in the "original protection." Eligible accounts can be set to the original statement, appreciation, comments, page template function. In addition the app certification of services, open platform the high mass of the public interface, developers can be achieved through high-bulk interfaces more flexible group.  Alt Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade  In order to upgrade the original protection incentive, micro-teams will launch 11 new incentives.  A, the original logo  After the success of user-generated articles in the original statement, micro-letter on the public platform will be added to the article "original" logo;  Second, the appreciation  To original articles, public statements, keeping the original frequency and active, you can open "accepted users appreciated", users may voluntarily to the public, read this article for a certain amount of appreciation.  Third, comments 20 years ago we had to play computer  Opening micro certified public, then, you can add this functionality in the micro-background module to display user comments, public, operators can interact directly with the user.  IV, page templates  Original account provided thematic templates to facilitate related topics summarize the contents of it.  Five articles within the chain 20 years ago we had to play computer  Article adding internal historical links to form an effective guide.  Six, rumour function  Original public, with expertise in a field, can become members of the Rumor Central, directly on the letter refuting the rumor that appear on public platforms.  Seven, to pay for  High quality original pay account you can try reading.  Eight tilt, advertising  Before 50,000 fans to be a flow master, now high quality original account 10,000 fans become flow and enjoy advertising resources.  Nine, search weighting  Original articles on the app platform the search of contexts-weighted and get more traffic.  Ten, fast focus  Tail of the article you can add quick focus button, retain users quickly and easily.  Plenary, the original library  Original content will enter the "original" to the business of the future, brand is open to provide content and other aspects of cooperation between the three opportunities.

Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade

Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade  Micro letter public platform, referred to as weChat. Named "platform" and "media", eventually as a "public platform."  Alt Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade  Micro-public platforms on the line the original statement on January 22 this year features original articles in the original statement is successful, appropriate public platform will be added to the article "original" logo, when other users on a public platform has reproduced the original articles of the Declaration, it will automatically replace the original article content and automatically to the article indicate the copy source.  In April, the app platform updates to the public, in order to enhance the capacity of public accounts, all its mass number from 1 to month (calendar month) 4 times, and began to invite individuals from the media accounts beta experience the new upgrades in the "original protection." Eligible accounts can be set to the original statement, appreciation, comments, page template function. In addition the app certification of services, open platform the high mass of the public interface, developers can be achieved through high-bulk interfaces more flexible group.  Alt Push app 11 incentives for original protection incentive to upgrade  In order to upgrade the original protection incentive, micro-teams will launch 11 new incentives.  A, the original logo  After the success of user-generated articles in the original statement, micro-letter on the public platform will be added to the article "original" logo;  Second, the appreciation  To original articles, public statements, keeping the original frequency and active, you can open "accepted users appreciated", users may voluntarily to the public, read this article for a certain amount of appreciation.  Third, comments 20 years ago we had to play computer  Opening micro certified public, then, you can add this functionality in the micro-background module to display user comments, public, operators can interact directly with the user.  IV, page templates  Original account provided thematic templates to facilitate related topics summarize the contents of it.  Five articles within the chain 20 years ago we had to play computer  Article adding internal historical links to form an effective guide.  Six, rumour function  Original public, with expertise in a field, can become members of the Rumor Central, directly on the letter refuting the rumor that appear on public platforms.  Seven, to pay for  High quality original pay account you can try reading.  Eight tilt, advertising  Before 50,000 fans to be a flow master, now high quality original account 10,000 fans become flow and enjoy advertising resources.  Nine, search weighting  Original articles on the app platform the search of contexts-weighted and get more traffic.  Ten, fast focus  Tail of the article you can add quick focus button, retain users quickly and easily.  Plenary, the original library  Original content will enter the "original" to the business of the future, brand is open to provide content and other aspects of cooperation between the three opportunities.

Equity raising portraits tell users what kind Equity raising portraits tell users what kindAlt Real life version of "the Emperor's new clothes": as soon as you lie naked  As long as the lies, clothes will be "transparent", as if a little shy!  According to ettv news report: real life version of "the Emperor's new clothes", do you dare to wear? Netherlands famous designer Daan Roosegaarde spent 10 months ' time, the Intimacy of clothing designed, by intelligent electronic foil to create opaque, tension, heart rate speeds up, this dress would be "transparent."  This series is divided into black and white 2 color, length 1 m, width 40 cm. Use the smart loop (Smart e-foils) and LED lights and so on, into this "Emperor's new clothes". This dress features lined with a combination of smart coil, every time when the sentiment, coil receives heart and breathing rates, it becomes transparent.Alt Real life version of "the Emperor's new clothes": as soon as you lie naked   Depends mainly on the smart coil to detect human heartbeats and breathing.  Originally designed purpose of this project is to explore the intimacy and the relationship between science and technology, mainly for communication between people and greater transparency, transparency of the clothes will change with the cooked fine degrees of each other, and even determine if this person is lying. When the guy in front of the more lies to conceal, the more "transparent."  From this concept as early as 2010, the company also unveiled several prototypes, the latest style in time for the Valentine's day appeared before, with both white and black, but only exhibited in Hong Kong and Paris.

Aliyun could Amazon pull down from the altar?

After Alibaba, toward the pace of internationalization is well underway: investment Singapore post and all the Silicon Valley company, MA several times personally with the European business and political mix, cybersquatting Hai Tao continued with cross-border business … … Although Amazon has this intruder alert, but now seem to coexist peacefully-Amazon has this year opened a flagship store in the sky cat eye-popping, Alibaba, after all, now is helping the Chinese to buy more foreign goods, had not gone to users around the world this step is selling around the world. However, Alibaba other Vanguard aliyun has stridently to fight Amazon and local wars have been opened.  Aliyun into Dubai, to the Middle East and North Africa markets Iterations of the Apple Empire dilemma the Kings  The term Ali Baba comes from the Arabian nights the Arab myth, under recent aliyun "float" to the Arab world, signed a contract with Dubai Meraas group set up a company, the joint venture company based in Dubai, radiation in the Middle East and North Africa, for enterprises in these areas, as well as Chinese companies eager to enter the area, providing cloud computing services. Meanwhile, the joint venture company will also set up a data center, the data center becomes aliyun 7th data centres in the world, aliyun has established overseas in Hong Kong, two of Silicon Valley's largest data centre, Germany, and Singapore and Japan's data center is under construction.  Worth noting is that Amazon is not in the Middle East data center. Amazon AWS cloud computing services has been providing services to more than 190 countries and regions, Africa and the Middle East is more of Europe Frankfurt and Ireland both data center of radiation. Can say markets in the Middle East have been aliyun worm. Aliyun preference for the Middle East market, there are a few key reasons:  1, is ignoring the Middle East market by Amazon. IDC report, 2015 total expenditure on information and communication technologies in the region will reach 27 billion dollars IT market growth the second largest in the world. Amazon global markets in Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific, laid on too much of the plate as a whole has been difficult to keep up with everything, ignore the Middle East and Africa markets, leaving a loophole to aliyun the latecomers. There is an important reason for this is the Middle East market particularities so that many international giants seem daunting, don't know whether Amazon paid no attention to this consideration.  2, aliyun can meet demand in Dubai. "Oil-rich stream" Dubai not only energy, it is focused on the development of modern high-tech industries in recent years and built a number of modern infrastructure, and has decided to build the cloud Dubai Dubai, wisdom, however, Dubai does not have strong IT giants, require external support. Meanwhile, local conditions better suited to use joint ventures to enter, aliyun complied with such requirements, partners chosen by Meraas by Dubai holding, in the U.A.E. and the overseas operations and has assets, get involved in real estate development and investment, health care, education, retail and asset management, in each of these areas are closely related to cloud computing.  Company in Dubai to establish a technology-oriented integrated communities: including data centers, hotels, residential, commercial, retail, and so on. Among them, the level 3-compliant data center powered by aliyun, while the joint venture will be the commercial area and the main users of the data center. In other words, aliyun has no need to worry about the first batch of customers in the Middle East.  Aliyun AWS is being pulled down from the altar? Iterations of the Apple Empire dilemma the Kings  Amazon is the ancestor of cloud computing, but also the oldest public cloud computing. Although Microsoft Azure, Google GCE several belong to United States launched cloud computing services, but are difficult to shake the status of AWS. Judging from aliyun actions, future AWS would most likely pull it down from the altar and split.  1, the technology is mature, AWS is no longer technical barriers. Cloud computing in the early days is a technology-intensive industry, barriers to entry are very high, and there is virtual, parallel computing, data center, many high technology. After ten years of development, cloud computing technology is relatively mature. Aliyun was later, in cross-cluster computing in computer room, large cluster room, already have full competence on technical data processing, AWS past proud of cloud computing is no longer unique stunts.  2, backed by China's hinterland, aliyun can be relatively cheap. The major costs of cloud computing are two aspects of IT costs and development costs are calculated, and these costs are largely constrained by cost, such as cloud computing management platform for research and development, cloud computing, cost of operation and maintenance personnel. Have entered the United States, the Middle East and other markets, but relative to the United States in particular, AWS, Ali has a cost advantage, so in the case of content and providing the services is cheaper, no enterprise will reject it. In fact, aliyun in China is a lot cheaper than AWS, Azure.  3, Alibaba and aliyun is very good at dealing with the Government. Jack Ma, Alibaba IPO Bell ceremony Bloomberg reporter in English, shows that the idea of dealing with government relations along the following lines: "falling in love with her and married her, a clever State at arm's length, the Government wants to solve the problem, companies have to do is face up to the problem and the Government work together to solve problems. "Can be said to be quite intelligent, Alibaba in fact whether it is business or finance or cloud computing is closely related to many government operations, appeared to get along well with the Government in the outside world. Aliyun in China's Guizhou province, Fujian province, Zhejiang Province, in some sectors, the China Meteorological Administration and other government departments are working closely together, go to Dubai the same select enterprises to establish joint ventures with the Government. Government cloud computing customer types and objects to depth of access to certain markets must embrace, aliyun perform better than Amazon.  4, aliyun, like all Chinese enterprises more "atmosphere". If used aliyun services know, aliyun operating in China has a strong style of Taobao: do not issue vouchers, promotions similar to the double 11 section, is very grounding. In addition to computing and storage services aliyun CDN, load balancing also provide SLB, relational database search services RDS, Yun Dun, cloud, ODPS (data processing) and other peripheral services, one-stop solution for the problem, which is the traditional corporations don't like complex IT solutions is very attractive. In addition, aliyun backed Alibaba more actively than the Amazon combined with traditional industries, such as investment in traditional industries, Amazon have done less, which Alibaba aliyun understand the traditional industry, which is the core of the cloud computing market in the future. Despite the lack of overseas Chinese Enterprise brand, it is difficult to adapt to the culture, but fighting power and grounding air capacity was not lacking, aliyun has little to do with culture, backed by Alibaba, the tree reputation coupled with service you can quickly form a brand.  Although aliyun now only 7 data center, has just started in the cloud computing market overseas, but I have no doubt it's going to AWS in most countries with AWS and fierce battle. Cloud computing is going out of business, which coincide with the Ali Baba "data" strategy and the "internationalization" of the dual need of strategy, Alibaba has the motivation to do, it also has the strength.

Aliyun could Amazon pull down from the altar?

After Alibaba, toward the pace of internationalization is well underway: investment Singapore post and all the Silicon Valley company, MA several times personally with the European business and political mix, cybersquatting Hai Tao continued with cross-border business … … Although Amazon has this intruder alert, but now seem to coexist peacefully-Amazon has this year opened a flagship store in the sky cat eye-popping, Alibaba, after all, now is helping the Chinese to buy more foreign goods, had not gone to users around the world this step is selling around the world. However, Alibaba other Vanguard aliyun has stridently to fight Amazon and local wars have been opened.  Aliyun into Dubai, to the Middle East and North Africa markets Iterations of the Apple Empire dilemma the Kings  The term Ali Baba comes from the Arabian nights the Arab myth, under recent aliyun "float" to the Arab world, signed a contract with Dubai Meraas group set up a company, the joint venture company based in Dubai, radiation in the Middle East and North Africa, for enterprises in these areas, as well as Chinese companies eager to enter the area, providing cloud computing services. Meanwhile, the joint venture company will also set up a data center, the data center becomes aliyun 7th data centres in the world, aliyun has established overseas in Hong Kong, two of Silicon Valley's largest data centre, Germany, and Singapore and Japan's data center is under construction.  Worth noting is that Amazon is not in the Middle East data center. Amazon AWS cloud computing services has been providing services to more than 190 countries and regions, Africa and the Middle East is more of Europe Frankfurt and Ireland both data center of radiation. Can say markets in the Middle East have been aliyun worm. Aliyun preference for the Middle East market, there are a few key reasons:  1, is ignoring the Middle East market by Amazon. IDC report, 2015 total expenditure on information and communication technologies in the region will reach 27 billion dollars IT market growth the second largest in the world. Amazon global markets in Europe, North America, South America and Asia Pacific, laid on too much of the plate as a whole has been difficult to keep up with everything, ignore the Middle East and Africa markets, leaving a loophole to aliyun the latecomers. There is an important reason for this is the Middle East market particularities so that many international giants seem daunting, don't know whether Amazon paid no attention to this consideration.  2, aliyun can meet demand in Dubai. "Oil-rich stream" Dubai not only energy, it is focused on the development of modern high-tech industries in recent years and built a number of modern infrastructure, and has decided to build the cloud Dubai Dubai, wisdom, however, Dubai does not have strong IT giants, require external support. Meanwhile, local conditions better suited to use joint ventures to enter, aliyun complied with such requirements, partners chosen by Meraas by Dubai holding, in the U.A.E. and the overseas operations and has assets, get involved in real estate development and investment, health care, education, retail and asset management, in each of these areas are closely related to cloud computing.  Company in Dubai to establish a technology-oriented integrated communities: including data centers, hotels, residential, commercial, retail, and so on. Among them, the level 3-compliant data center powered by aliyun, while the joint venture will be the commercial area and the main users of the data center. In other words, aliyun has no need to worry about the first batch of customers in the Middle East.  Aliyun AWS is being pulled down from the altar? Iterations of the Apple Empire dilemma the Kings  Amazon is the ancestor of cloud computing, but also the oldest public cloud computing. Although Microsoft Azure, Google GCE several belong to United States launched cloud computing services, but are difficult to shake the status of AWS. Judging from aliyun actions, future AWS would most likely pull it down from the altar and split.  1, the technology is mature, AWS is no longer technical barriers. Cloud computing in the early days is a technology-intensive industry, barriers to entry are very high, and there is virtual, parallel computing, data center, many high technology. After ten years of development, cloud computing technology is relatively mature. Aliyun was later, in cross-cluster computing in computer room, large cluster room, already have full competence on technical data processing, AWS past proud of cloud computing is no longer unique stunts.  2, backed by China's hinterland, aliyun can be relatively cheap. The major costs of cloud computing are two aspects of IT costs and development costs are calculated, and these costs are largely constrained by cost, such as cloud computing management platform for research and development, cloud computing, cost of operation and maintenance personnel. Have entered the United States, the Middle East and other markets, but relative to the United States in particular, AWS, Ali has a cost advantage, so in the case of content and providing the services is cheaper, no enterprise will reject it. In fact, aliyun in China is a lot cheaper than AWS, Azure.  3, Alibaba and aliyun is very good at dealing with the Government. Jack Ma, Alibaba IPO Bell ceremony Bloomberg reporter in English, shows that the idea of dealing with government relations along the following lines: "falling in love with her and married her, a clever State at arm's length, the Government wants to solve the problem, companies have to do is face up to the problem and the Government work together to solve problems. "Can be said to be quite intelligent, Alibaba in fact whether it is business or finance or cloud computing is closely related to many government operations, appeared to get along well with the Government in the outside world. Aliyun in China's Guizhou province, Fujian province, Zhejiang Province, in some sectors, the China Meteorological Administration and other government departments are working closely together, go to Dubai the same select enterprises to establish joint ventures with the Government. Government cloud computing customer types and objects to depth of access to certain markets must embrace, aliyun perform better than Amazon.  4, aliyun, like all Chinese enterprises more "atmosphere". If used aliyun services know, aliyun operating in China has a strong style of Taobao: do not issue vouchers, promotions similar to the double 11 section, is very grounding. In addition to computing and storage services aliyun CDN, load balancing also provide SLB, relational database search services RDS, Yun Dun, cloud, ODPS (data processing) and other peripheral services, one-stop solution for the problem, which is the traditional corporations don't like complex IT solutions is very attractive. In addition, aliyun backed Alibaba more actively than the Amazon combined with traditional industries, such as investment in traditional industries, Amazon have done less, which Alibaba aliyun understand the traditional industry, which is the core of the cloud computing market in the future. Despite the lack of overseas Chinese Enterprise brand, it is difficult to adapt to the culture, but fighting power and grounding air capacity was not lacking, aliyun has little to do with culture, backed by Alibaba, the tree reputation coupled with service you can quickly form a brand.  Although aliyun now only 7 data center, has just started in the cloud computing market overseas, but I have no doubt it's going to AWS in most countries with AWS and fierce battle. Cloud computing is going out of business, which coincide with the Ali Baba "data" strategy and the "internationalization" of the dual need of strategy, Alibaba has the motivation to do, it also has the strength.

Alt Liu talk about daughter: enter drops her own selected way  On September 2, 2015, China's car around the area has it that one joke, "TV car's largest shareholder is legend, Uber's head of China, Liu Zhen was Liu's niece, Liu Qing, President of a taxi is LIU Chuanzhi, daughter to the last drop, China's car market was swept by Lenovo. "For such of jokes, as China most has influence of business big guy, Liu laugh said:" this is accidentally, they select has himself of career, with I is relationship are no, we home children actually didn't how tube, actually is stocking, we that era how tube? is nothing more than is example heavy Yu precept, I man is so do of, I dad is so do of. ” Hafei automobile is Changan acquisitions into  On February 4 this year, announced by taxi to the last drop, company COO drops company Liu Qing official President, responsible for the company's day-to-day business operations. This means that drops into Wei Cheng, founder, Chairman, CEO, Liu Qing, President of the management model. Uber first entered China in less than a year, and Lenovo also climed up the relationship. On May 24 this year, LIU Chuanzhi, the niece of Liu Zhen became the Uber China's new leaders.  From Goldman to take a taxi to the last drop, when faced with a choice of the road of life, Liu still made reference to his father's advice. According to media reports, when deciding whether to leave Goldman Sachs to drop, and Liu discussed with the father, Liu said: is really determined to abandon the balance of life on a more rugged way? (I have) any hardship cannot complain, the way that you choose. Liu wanted to say "Yes", Mr Liu did not stop. Hafei automobile is Changan acquisitions into

On September 2, morning news, was hailed as a national "fraud first" in recent days Wang Hai bursts Tweet criticized millet plagiarism and false propaganda, and call friends on the conduct of the proceedings. Product Manager do you know less  Wang said that millet was not an honest company, this year ten consumer rights cases by the Supreme Court in millet. Late last year, the second-instance court of millet company consumer fraud intent, judgment min returned to millet company both mobile power, min 500 millet company guarantees compensation, return the min price 108 Yuan. Product Manager do you know less  In addition, Wang also publishes a number of microblogging accused millet plagiarism, and dig up the past record of repeatedly fined for false advertising.  Wang said such false propaganda event, fooled consumers can request a pay back three, litigation or delegate team, but the team will receive compensation of 30% as legal fees.

On September 2, morning news, was hailed as a national "fraud first" in recent days Wang Hai bursts Tweet criticized millet plagiarism and false propaganda, and call friends on the conduct of the proceedings. Product Manager do you know less  Wang said that millet was not an honest company, this year ten consumer rights cases by the Supreme Court in millet. Late last year, the second-instance court of millet company consumer fraud intent, judgment min returned to millet company both mobile power, min 500 millet company guarantees compensation, return the min price 108 Yuan. Product Manager do you know less  In addition, Wang also publishes a number of microblogging accused millet plagiarism, and dig up the past record of repeatedly fined for false advertising.  Wang said such false propaganda event, fooled consumers can request a pay back three, litigation or delegate team, but the team will receive compensation of 30% as legal fees.

MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499

Today, millet summer fashion show held at the National Conference Center, officially launched the big screens Max with millet, also released new MIUI 8. The MIUI 8 system UI, animation, interactive, functional levels are significantly improved, special system-level perhaps, false identification fraud SMS base station and a series of new features. From social media to business APP a 85 run tensAlt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499        Launches lead millet Max 1080P carrying a 6.44 inches screen, made of 2.5D glass + metal body design, and equipped with a fingerprint recognition on the back. On the hardware configuration, using mycophenolate mofetil 650/652 processor, the highest 4GB+128GB, 16 million pixel primary camera support phase focusing, with the 4850mAh battery, dual SIM card dual standby full CNC.Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499        Price, millet, Max has three versions:          At $ 1499 Yuan Xiao long 650+3GB+32GB Edition          Price of 1699 Yuan Xiao long 652+3GB+64GB Edition From social media to business APP a 85 run tens          Mycophenolate Mofetil Dragon 652+4GB+128GB price 1999 May 17 millet networks first, Lei said stock at least 100,000 units.Following is the real real **

MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499

Today, millet summer fashion show held at the National Conference Center, officially launched the big screens Max with millet, also released new MIUI 8. The MIUI 8 system UI, animation, interactive, functional levels are significantly improved, special system-level perhaps, false identification fraud SMS base station and a series of new features. From social media to business APP a 85 run tensAlt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499        Launches lead millet Max 1080P carrying a 6.44 inches screen, made of 2.5D glass + metal body design, and equipped with a fingerprint recognition on the back. On the hardware configuration, using mycophenolate mofetil 650/652 processor, the highest 4GB+128GB, 16 million pixel primary camera support phase focusing, with the 4850mAh battery, dual SIM card dual standby full CNC.Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499 Alt MIUI8 millet Max released starting at $ 1499        Price, millet, Max has three versions:          At $ 1499 Yuan Xiao long 650+3GB+32GB Edition          Price of 1699 Yuan Xiao long 652+3GB+64GB Edition From social media to business APP a 85 run tens          Mycophenolate Mofetil Dragon 652+4GB+128GB price 1999 May 17 millet networks first, Lei said stock at least 100,000 units.Following is the real real **