Within a week, 3000 Yuan with 1000 new users!

Alex Chuang is a leading Vancouver Institute of technology business incubator-venture, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer. Alex is also an entrepreneur, UX designers, as well as a growing hacker.Here are some strategies can reference for emerging entrepreneurs, prior to the implementation of these strategies, however, entrepreneurs need to have the following three qualities:• A professional, unique, enough to convince the customer of the products;• For friends and colleagues for help and reference (about 50 people);• Energy and open-minded attitudeStrategy 1: products using the Product Hunt PublishingAlt Within a week, 3000 Yuan with 1000 new users!Product Hunt is a platform that you can use to publish their own products, then there will be tens of thousands of early adopters began experimenting with your new product. One of the most famous Product is a section of Hunt, the applications for a number of product launches and releases. For example, by publishing products on the Product Hunt, won 43,000 early adopters of all ages, became the most popular brand on the Product Hunt.Below will teach you how to use the Product Hunt to launch new products:1. by using the Product Hunt to help companies publish products.Product Hunt is not limited to Web sites, or they can be entrepreneurs, investors, journalists and even bloggers. By using HunterList, you can find one on your own products as well as Product of interest to enterprise prospects Hunt and seek feedback, so as to establish one-to-one relationships. If you help them, they might be willing to substitute for you post your new product.2. the advance agreement with the Product Hunt, asking them at 5 o'clock in the morning, Pacific standard time Tuesday released products. (Want to know why? Kartik's analysis! )3. establish an exclusive agreement with the Product Hunt.4. experience with the voting process to be transparent. Vote links must not be mixed any human factors. But you can choose through forums or groups of virtual organization to publish the Product Hunt information and get feedback. If someone look after your product, they naturally support it. This process must be real and not doped with other human factors.5. do one AMA survey (Ask Me Anything). Once a product launch is successful, to respond to customer issues in a timely manner as possible.6. in interact continuously from the MakeHunt. MakerHunt is set up for the PH of all manufacturers of a chat group. Where can AMA research, exchanges and manufacturers have been involved in PH.Meanwhile, there are other Product Hunt are also supported by sought after, for example:· Betalist-already has more than 25000 of earlier participants, release new products for $ 129;· Erlibird-after successful verification of more than 40,000 people, to launch a new product costs $ 149;· Killer Startups-5,000 potential customers, launch new products need us $ 169;Need to be aware of is that in the test phase, recommend the use of Betalist products. Once the market responses, and responses, you can consider the Product Launch on the Hunt.Meanwhile, in related questions answered on Quora, or in a product on a blog publishing and advertising, posted on Slideshare and usually very effective,Strategy two: Hacker News and Reddit launchUse case Y-Combination is one of the success of Hacker News, daily traffic of more than 2 million of the product, including new visits per day to 200,000. Its home page will usually have more than 10,000 visitors like the Famous Outfit.So here's the thing: how to launch new products on Hacker News?1. in the preceding title with product announcements "Show HN". Need your product has been formed, visitor use and experience. For example: "Show HN: new 3D interactive mode to experience Star Wars";2. the title fascinating. Click here for writing "Show HN" skills of the title;3. at times of peak traffic, namely United States Eastern time Wednesday at 8 o'clock in the morning to launch;4. use of connections, support product launches and increased popularity. To praise the product, requires an IP address can only be praised again as well as direct access is invalid. Your friends need a new page ((http://News.yCombinator.com/newest Re-search your product release information, and release of products like, if your product posted on the home page, you need to let them do a search on the home page.Meanwhile, Reddit/R/Startups works similar to Hacker News, which use the same rules.Strategy 3: her own public relationsAlt Within a week, 3000 Yuan with 1000 new users!Use Mechanical Turk and Google News API for their products public relations work.In customer development lab, a group of talented people here created the hacker news via hacker news, you can easily get to your potential customer, who is the most likely value of your product. Click here to see the full user guide.1. log into http://press.customerdevlabs.com/;2. search category keywords and their products (such as SaaS, social media, holograms, raised NET, etc) and download CSV;3. to upload CSV on the Mechanical Turk;4. direct subordinates and teach them how to search someone's e-mail address;5. the establishment of an area, download the author provides case at this point; Dudu bus for 52 million after two months a round6. manual send e-mail to reporters, and the marketing of their products. Click here to see the e-mail case.Strategy 4: before the product is released, establishing a dedicated email listLanding pageThrough a landing page to collect email addresses is one of the most basic actions, you can build your by Instapage,Launchrock,Squarespace or Unbounce landing page, you can then install the HelloBar to gather e-mail addresses.Twitter1. the use of followerwonk.com, can get 50,000 downloads of your competitors or fans of the relevant product information.2. upload file to makesmail.com, it will automatically provide you with all the email addresses of potential customers.3. sell your products via email, and a brief description of your product better than your competitors.1. search for the target you want people (such as a Community Manager).2. use Odesk or Mechanical Turk, manually on the target customer to develop a personalized invitation to invite them to try your product, generally speaking, they will be happy to accept your invitation.3. export your collected email addresses.Strategy 5: launch a ThunderclapAlt Within a week, 3000 Yuan with 1000 new users!Thunderclap is with everyone in your network to share your easiest way to launch. Your information will be publish and share through Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr for a scheduled, thus forming products influence. Prior to the launch, on your network to share your product information. Luc from Somewhere once with the help of less than 100 people, has won more than 160,000 customers of all ages. Dudu bus for 52 million after two months a roundStrategy 6: establish contact with celebrities and bloggers1. by BuzzSump or Traackr, list a list, mark lists of celebrities and bloggers.2. in the network on the network of eminent personalities and bloggers praise the content or reply to establish contact, pass their values to it (such as the principle of reciprocity).3. time and contacts is very important. If they wrote something with content related to your product or industry, to seize the opportunity to begin contact with them.4. to provide one-on-one invitation or offer your products to use (for example, lifetime membership, free subscription for the first year).5. If the customer is happy, you can ask them to write some trial experience and gave them to 5-10 points.6. to minimize controversy and friction, and writing blog posts for them.7. continue to keep in touch and interact.Finally some matters need attentionA successful product needs of users of all ages. Is like a perfect work of art, never reaching the end of the day. By using these initial sales techniques, you will be able to get your first batch of users, and observe their behavior and get their feedback, and remanufacturing and perfect for your product. I see entrepreneurship as a series of small experiments, before proceeding to the next stage, you must obtain initial information and verification, once you get the resources you need, you will feel more confident to perform subsequent decisions.