Multi-project management as \"pilots get through without stumbling\"

Dudu bus for 52 million after two months a round  Every enterprise needs to face the problem of project management, project management has produced a systemic theory and method in military, industrial, construction and other fields is widely used. Project management through ad hoc specialized organizations, the envy of efficient planning, organizing, directing and controlling. In this opinion, project management seems to be is not difficult. But this is only a project.Alt   Multi-project management as "pilots get through without stumbling"  Companies do one project at a time, effort and, even by the most primitive stick post-its, meetings can provide good management services. But today rarely faces a separate implementation of projects of the enterprise, and often with multiple projects. This requires simultaneous multi-project management, project number doubled, but there may be encountered in the management of a geometric growth. How to effectively conduct a number of project management is becoming an important research work.  In project management, the most important is the management of priorities and resource allocation. More than one item, task of factoring out there may be hundreds, in a limited time to clear these seemingly confusing tasks completed is no easy matter, requiring very has identified priority judgment. Institute for task classification and prioritization, finish is both important and urgent task.  Just like pilots get through without stumbling. Bull's body is very complex, but the Cook looked through knife in place, homeopathy for, not only does not hurt cattle bones, and complete break down meat. Multi-project management, too, need to figure out the relationship between project tasks, well aware of the work be done leisurely and methodical.  Multi project management goal is to optimal allocation, configuration and integration of enterprise technology and resources to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. In order to ensure that all project goals can be achieved, in addition to solving the problems inherent in managing a single project, you also need to focus on new problems caused by managing multiple projects at the same time.  Many decision makers in many contradictions and problems encountered in project management, such as conflicts between the project manager and the functional manager, project conflicts caused by the scramble for resources, more decline in the timeliness and effectiveness of project management, personnel, money, equipped with time cannot be optimal.Alt   Multi-project management as "pilots get through without stumbling"  For this, Shenzhen Ming consulting team dedicated to the study and opened related courses of multi-project management a significant factor and the solution is explained in detail. Including project managers how to clear defined goals and tasks of the project, how to get senior management support, how to find a capable project manager, how to cultivate the ability of the project team, how can I get sufficient resources, what to do to ensure the customer's participation in good communication, monitoring and feedback is more appropriate … …  Factors that influence the success of the project is not a single, each project contains a certain amount of uncertainty. Once the project begins, there may be unforeseen things, and these things will endanger all kinds of work in the project. Course provides the methodology, in order to bring problem-solving concepts and methods to teach managers, teach a man to fish rather than give a man a fish. Believed to bring inspiration to the project manager. Dudu bus for 52 million after two months a round